In the Sunflower Montessori three to five year old program, children are instructed by certified Montessori teachers. Each classroom area of the school is carefully prepared to meet the needs of the developing child. We strive to meet the social, emotional, and academic goals of students, all of which are of equal importance.
Social and Emotional Goals:
Independence--Children develop independence, learning to work by themselves without constant adult intervention. They are taught how to dress and undress, pour their own milk, use real dishes, and use the bathroom independently.
Concentration – The environment is constructed to allow the development of quiet, uninterrupted concentration.
Coordination - Activities are designed to strengthen children's hand for writing and train the eye for reading. Exercises designed to help with motor skills and balance are part of the daily activities and experiences
Order - The orderly and clean environment leads children to develop logical thinking which translates into math conception, problem solving, and decision making.
Socialization - Activities promoting kindness and peace are cornerstones of healthy social development. Conflict resolution and empowerment are taught to help children to meet, interact, and form positive relationships with other children.
Self-Control - Children develop self motivation, and inner discipline. They are taught to "own" their work, and assisted to develop a sense of pride and a positive view of learning.
Areas of Environment:
Practical Living - real life water activities like dishwashing, cooking, cleaning, gardening, small muscle manipulative exercises, art, individual snacks and family style lunch.
Sensorial – The sensorial room includes didactic sensorial materials specifically developed by Maria Montessori for 3-6 year olds. These materials are the foundation of developmental sensory and motor skills of this age group.
The following are academic areas focused on at Sunflower Montessori:
Language: Reading and writing
Math: Concrete and conceptual, 1-10, decimal system, and processes
Science & Geography: the study of the natural world, time, space, and world cultures
(3-5 yrs)
721 S 6th ST W
Missoula, MT 59801